Sunday, July 1, 2012

Nascar...Caution Free??

After the last few races I have watched on T.V all I can say is.. It has giving me some time to catch up on my Sunday afternoon naps :( If you listen to the drivers and the race broadcasters..." Oh Racing has never been better!!" That may be true in some aspects but as far as the general fan base goes we, as bad as it sounds want to see Wrecks & Action! Of course the drivers and car owners want caution free races, why wouldn't they. But unfortunately the fans who are the absolute most major factor in the entire sport even existing do not see these issues the same way. No we do not wanna see a wreck every 5 laps but.. We also don't want to see the entire damn race go 312 laps with no cautions and the leader of the race win by 27 seconds!! >:( I just don't understand what the drivers don't get about that?? Are the stands going to have to be completely empty before they realize this? Also these so called " Cookie Cutter" tracks are just ridiculous.. all the minds NASCAR has working for them and they cant seem to understand %90 of the fan favorites are A. Short Tracks & B. Super Speedways. Simple as that. I mean when there is a 13 second difference between 1st & 5th place.... something is WRONG... What is everybody's thoughts on this? Is NASCAR as exciting as its ever been?? Or has it become a giant snooze fest?

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